it's 2014!

2/04/2014 07:39:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Yay! And I'm blogging about it in frickin' February.

Hah. And you all know the reason for that. It starts with an L.

What has happened since I last posted? I blogged about The Night Circus which was easily one of my most favorite books of all time. Sidled in between Harry Potter and Almost Heaven. It deserved that rightful place. I also read Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson quite shortly after that. That one had a different feel to it, so I will talk about that sometime soon. Even though I read it about two months ago, it's still a bit fresh in my mind and I still know the gist of it. I may not accurately remember the sequences of events, but it stuck to me, and I can say it's a pretty good read. I hardly put it down and devoured it in two days. I'm either a fast reader or the book was really good. Or both. It was definitely both.

Sweeping the holidays under the rug, Chris gave me his old Samsung TV and PS3!!! Yay!!! Less blogging time! :P

He gave me a bunch of games, but it was mostly guy games. FPS and some fighting games. Other than Final Fantasy 13 and Tekken, I didn't know much, so I stored most of the games under my bed. Also, to accommodate the welcome addition to my room, I had the TV mounted to the foot of my bed and had to rearrange everything. It wasn't that big of a change, I just turned the bed around so what used to be the foot is now where the head of my bed is, just so I could connect the TV to my PC >:)

I also purchased Ni No Kuni and pre ordered Final Fantasy 10 HD Remastered. I cannot wait, since I just love FFX so much. I grew up with it, so I'm really excited. I'm also looking into purchasing Kingdom Hearts Remastered, but that would mean falling back into my old habit of buying too much games but hardly finishing any of them. A bit frustrating, actually. Gamer's dilemma (oh my god, what should I waste my time on first???)

I have also a couple games to review, so that's upcoming. I'll squeeze in as much reviews as I possibly can <3