reading potter as an adult | book 3 and 4

5/21/2015 12:17:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Continuing on with Harry P, I just finished the fourth book and would like to proceed to the fifth one as soon as possible. But before that, this post!

I wanted to put a separate post for each book, but I only noticed a few things in the Prisoner of Azkaban, so I decided to combine the two. But after reading Goblet of Fire, I noticed a lot of things that might make the post too long! That's a given, since the fourth is significantly thicker than the third, so pardon the post if I keep rambling.

My favorite book of the series is PoA, closely followed by GoF, and I enjoyed reliving every bit of the book I was reading. Mainly because this is the part where it's still a bit cheery in Hogwarts, yet all the dark stuff are starting to unfold.

Let me first talk about PoA. I am putting this in a more organized manner. I listed the points I wanted to talk about while reading the book because I didn't want to forget anything. This is a lot more organized than my first post, so that's a plus!

After Harry's first encounter with the dementors, Lupin gave him chocolate once he came to. It was only now (since I've been spoiling my sweet tooth significantly) that I realized there's some science to this. Since chocolate releases endorphins in the brain, it would relieve the body of stress and pain, which is what dementors make humans feel (technically speaking). With my love for chocolate, I could just think of it and produce a patronus.

I was thinking of Hermione's boggart in class. She didn't get a chance with it, but she did encounter it during the end of year tests. Would it have been different if she saw it the first time, without the stress of tests? Do boggarts change forms once you've overcome your fear? I used to be really scared of Jason Voorhees but now I'm not.

Reading about Honeydukes reminded me of the time my friend got me a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans that used to sell in Toys R Us. The pepper one was really the taste of pepper. Wonder if you could still buy those?

In the part where Harry faces Sirius for the first time before knowing the truth, he was thinking he wanted to kill him. But how? He doesn't find out about Avada Kedavra until the next book, in which Moody says it needs some really powerful magic behind it. I mean, he couldn't even conjure a perfect patronus the first time, how does he intend to use the killing curse (if he even knew about it)? I guess hate is an emotion just as powerful as love but his magical prowess won't be enough to kill, would it?

The reason why I really loved PoA was the whole time turner thing. I could only imagine the things I could redo if I had one, but knowing myself I'd probably kill my doppelganger if I saw it running around. But then I'd have to criticize my thighs first.

I just noticed Sirius' vault, vault number 711, is very close to the one that held the Sorcerer's stone, which was 713.

And now about the things I've noticed on GoF:

Harry has technically witnessed his mom's death, with memories of her Lily screaming whenever a dementor approaches him, so he should have been able to see the thestrals on his fourth year, right? But he only sees them as horseless carriages. The memory may have just been deep inside his subconscious, but for it to be there, he has to have witnessed it, right?

I've always been curious the number of watches mentioned in the series. They must run on magic (of course). I kept thinking they must have sundials (which was silly, this is the wizarding world, not prehistoric times). But Harry has a watch, and it stopped working during the second task (pressure or non water resistant, perhaps? If it ran on magic I'm sure it won't wear off with a little water or pressure) which would indicate that it's electronic. But electronics don't work at Hogwarts, according to Hogwarts: A History (I sound like Hermione). So wth with the watch? I've just been obsessed with watches lately, I bought this $20 retro Casio watch from Amazon and I love it. Don't buy from American Apparel, they jacked up the price to $70 for the exact same thing.

Some digital retro goodness

And Chris promised me a Tag Heuer watch sometime in the future *cough cough*

Ever since Hagrid's father was mentioned, I was really curious how Hagrid was conceived. A human and a giant? I bet his third leg would be like inserting a matchstick into a woman's V. And Fridwulfa's hoo-ha could very well be a cave.

When Harry was swimming laps in the prefect bathroom, wouldn't it be hard to breathe on the surface with all the bubbles and soap, let alone open your eyes underwater. I was a swimmer, and gulping bubbles when opening your mouth for a breath on the surface would not be funny.

I must say Dobby was being very cute in the book, calling Ron as Harry's Wheezy, shyly giving Harry socks for Christmas and wearing Ron's sweater. Shame the movie cut him out. Shame he dies!

I wondered how people were watching the second task. It was underwater and there was definitely no light streaking through to the bottom.

This book was the beginning of Ron and Hermione's budding relationship. Although it would be interesting to see some more of Hermione and Krum after the whole Voldy thing. It would just be boring if they got married right off the bat after Hogwarts.

On the last task, the picture of the sphinx in the beginning of the chapter (in the Scholastic print version) it looked like she had a mane, but aren't manes only for male lions? Unless that's her hair but that would be weird.

I'm not your bro

There was a part on the last chapters where Dumbledore was described as having an 'ancient' face. I thought that was a little harsh! He's old, but I wouldn't describe a face as ancient. He's not an artifact. Although that made me laugh.

I read the book years ago where the fifth book was still in the works, so the fourth was a big cliffhanger. I waited years for it. The part where Dumbledore 'had triumph in his eyes' when Harry mentioned Voldemort was able to touch Harry's face was one of the bigger WTF moments back then. I mean, what was that supposed to mean??? Although I forgot the reason now, I think it will be explained in the coming books. But still, I remember my frustration, confusion, and anticipation for the next book.

I wanted to write this before starting the Order of the Phoenix and it took some self control for me not to start the book! Also I want to watch all movies again for ol' times sake, but gotta read first!

Hang tight for reading OotP as an adult!