10/12/2013 11:14:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

It's normal for kids to have a short attention span. It is not, however, for a mid-twenties woman.

I have a problem, and it needs fixing. Badly.

I recently watched an episode on National Geographic on how our brain functions when faced with certain stress. There was the ice cream parlor situation. They said that when a person comes to an ice cream parlor and faced with three flavors, compared to about fifteen, they said that the one with the less choices is easier for the brain. That's because when faced with a lot of choices, it's hard for us not to think of what ifs if we chose the other flavor. It's hardwired in us to always think that we're missing out on something if we chose one over the other.

Which is my current complex.

I am currently playing Pokemon X (yay!)

But I also want to read my Murakami books, some I borrowed from the library, watch anime, watch Game of Thrones.

But there's obviously one problem.

I want to do them all at once. And of course, that's impossible.


I guess I just have to stick to one. But I don't know what! The thrill of playing the game draws me in, but I also have to return these borrowed books, I want to read the books that have been sitting on my desk since forever, I want to watch stuff on Crunchyroll and Netflix coz I pay for them, I just bought Rune Factory 4 and Shin Megami Tensei 4 as well! Not to mention I haven't played Kingdom Hearts, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Cooking Mama 4, and I am halfway through Pokemon Black 2!

Oh my god, I am about to explode.