what kind of gamer am i?
At some point within this blog, you might've been wondering: what kind of games am I going to be reviewing, and what kind of games am I really into?
Well, I'm telling you this now, I'm not a super hardcore gamer.
I'm more of the more-than-your-average gamer. I hardly play any casual games, like the ones you can play while waiting in line, like apps on tablets and such. I am more of a, uh, intermediate gamer? I am more into handhelds. I have been playing handhelds since elementary school, and who in their twenties has not played or even heard of the mother of all handhelds?
That baby right there was my LIFE back in third grade. I remember having one of those 100-in-1 game cartridges and I just played Super Mario 6 Golden coins all day, all night. There was Mario Tennis and bowling and lots of different other things. This was my childhood, and it totally jumpstarted the era of video games in my life.
My little cousin back then played it and whenever he died or did something stupid he would chuck it on the floor and that...destroyed it. Sigh. Ugh. That was totally heartbreaking for me, but some years later I got the Game Boy Color one in Pink and that love affair started all over again.
This could kill when thrown at someone |
I also got into TV consoles, which started with the Family Computer playing Twin Bee and, of course, Super Mario. After I got the Game Boy, the FamiCom kinda took a back seat because the TV was always occupied anyway, but I also had the SNES which I played when I got tired of Mewtwo. And then some years in between having my Game Boy smashed and getting the Game Boy color, my uncle got me a Playstation! The newer PS1 kind, the small one. I got into playing Tekken, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, Ape Escape, Muppets Racing, and Abe's Odyssey.
I also went through the Final Fantasy phase. The first FF game I ever played was Final Fantasy X in the Playstation 2, and I know there's a lot of debate on this. Lots of people have played 6 or 7 or whatever and they keep saying that it's the best and X sucks blah blah blabbity blah... Well, whatever. I played it and I loved it. I don't care what you say. I'm not going to compare this to 6 or 7 because I haven't played it (yet). That's your opinion. This is mine. I may love those other versions when I get around to them too, but that doesn't mean my love for this game will lessen, because it will not. Tidus, Yuna, and Seymour will always have a spot in my gaming heart.
When I moved to Canada, I got introduced to Maplestory by my friend and I was VERY into it. I went through the phase where I even bought Nexon cash for stuff. Yeah... that was bad. But I really loved it! I was one of the people who have been playing since 2006 back when it was only Victoria Island, Ludibrium, and El Nath, when people trained on Coolie Zombies at level 50. Yes, I was one of those people! I played it for a good two solid years, and since then I've just been playing back and forth. I tried Ragnarok but it didn't appeal to me. So yeah.

So, I guess you can kind of see what kind of gamer I am and what kinds of games I really want to play if you're interested in my future reviews. I'm a soft-core gamer, if you would like to use the term. They're more of RPGs, Rated Teen and Everybody kind of games. I'm sorry to disappoint that I don't play the hardcore stuff like Modern Warfare Assassin's Creed. You know, the guy stuff. Although I do play Call of Duty: Ghosts with Chris, although just the Extinction mode. He gave me his old PS3 when I got him his PS4 and that kind of what occupies our Saturdays at his place. He also gave me a bunch of games, like I mentioned in an old post, and of course, they were guy games, FPS and such. I will be playing Tekken, but I don't know about the others. They're collecting dust under my bed. I don't know if I'll ever get around to them. But hey, you never know. I told one of my coworkers about it, and he borrowed Marvel VS. Capcom Ultimate and he lent me Little Big Planet 2 and Bioshock. I am SCARED to play Bioshock, I have heard that it's scary. But the only scary thing as of now it that it's there, beside my console, haunting me to play it.
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Ni No Kuni was mine, though! And of course, I would play Tekken. |
Here are the platforms I went through:
Family Computer
Game Boy
Game Boy Color
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Casual computer gaming, like MapleStory and Diablo 3 (whut??? Yes, I played Diablo 3)
Game Boy Advance SP
Nintendo DSi/Lite/XL
Playstation 3
Nintendo 3DS XL
Playstation 4 (with Chris)
If any one of you have any games that you really recommend, preferably in the genres that I like although I'm open to any suggestions, I would appreciate them. More power to girl gamers!
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It's a family portrait. |