unfinished business | koizora

10/01/2014 01:39:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

This is not a review. As the title says, this is unfinished business. I like to think of this as getting the frustration out of my chest.

Koizora a.k.a. Sky of Love: A Sad Love Story. This drama has six episodes. SIX. And I can't bring myself to finish the damn. Series.

No. Just no. I can't.

My feelings can't handle it. And I'm a hormonal woman with enthusiasm for drama. I'm basically a walking bag of feelings.

I was asking my coworker who also has a liking for Japanese dramas to recommend something. We have similar tastes in dramas, so I figured her recommendations would be something I'd enjoy. She mentioned this drama and said it would be full of feels. I figured, yeah, I can handle sad dramas.

How very wrong I was.

Let me tell you a little bit about this series first. This is a sad, sad, sad story about two high school students, Mika and Hiro. Hiro is considered a delinquent in his class, in a rock band with bleached hair. Mika is an average student who still has yet to experience being in a relationship with a boy. On that fateful time that Hiro steals Mika's first kiss, she can't get him out of her head. And before she realizes it, she has fallen for him.

Apparently this was originally a novel that was published online, which then became popular enough to have a movie, drama, and manga adaptation.

I only made it to the third episode. Just halfway. Why? Because in just the first two episodes, a lot has happened. I know the feeling of getting all giddy with taking pictures with your first boyfriend, your first kiss, etc. etc. But the show has a lot more than that.

Being bullied by a boyfriend's ex is terrible. A girl's first time can be a little nerve-wracking. Getting preggers and telling your traditional parents about it is even worse.

Then losing said baby after convincing them? Might seem like a loss. But just when you think all is well, they find a tumor in Hiro's head.

Why??? Whyyyyyyy? And they even have that stupid sneak preview for the next episode where Mika is crying and the subtitles say "Don't you love me anymore?" and her dad tries to kick Hiro's ass with subs that go "You said you will make her happy!"

Fuck dammit. I already know what's going to happen and it will potentially give me a migraine the next day because I cried my guts out watching the drama.

Nope. No no no no no no no waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

There's no need to say that I am a big softie and will most definitely bawl away at any drama that comes my way. Heck, I cried a few times watching Fairy Tail and some episodes of One Piece during Nami's arc. How the hell do you think I will react to three more episodes of this???

I stopped because I can't. I just can't. I even had a week of vacation and told myself to finish it to get it out of my head, but everytime I was about to hit that play button, I would  dread the bawlfest I was about to jump in to. And then the week after that my normal schedule was sent topsy-turvy coz I picked up a few day shifts instead of my usual evening ones, and the only other thing I hate next to waking up early is waking up early with a headache and puffy eyes.

No. Just no.





I can't possibly give a rating for this, beacause, well, obviously, I didn't finish it. There is also a movie for this with Miura Haruma and Aragaki Yui which I didn't watch. Of course. And then again it has Miura. He's everywhere. My gosh.

Although this was a drama fail for me in terms of willpower of watching, I would just like to mention how lush Seto Koji's lips are.

Mmmm :9

Yum. Yeah, just wanted to throw that in there. You're welcome.

I will almost absolutely will favor him as Hiro more than Miura, because, you know, it's Miura.

So, this drama will remain untouched for me until I find the willpower to plough through the sadness. The tab for episode four remained untouched in my browser for a month. It might just stay there for a little while longer.

But until then...